Simon and the Birthday Wish by Steven J Pemberton

Simon and the Birthday Wish is a hilarious and heart-warming tale for children and grown-ups of all ages. It features fifteen illustrations drawn by me.

What Simon wanted for his seventh birthday was a set of action figures from Planet Patrol, his favourite cartoon. What he got was a tatty second-hand teddy bear.

What Simon doesn't know is that the teddy bear is alive and can do magic.

What the bear doesn't know is that he's not as good at magic as he thinks he is.

When the bear tries to grant a wish for Simon, everything goes wrong, and poor Simon's life is turned inside out, upside down, and sideways. Will things ever go back to the way they were?

Click here to read the first four chapters.

Where to Buy

Simon and the Birthday Wish is available as a paperback (6" x 9", 78 pages), an audiobook (1 hour 45 minutes, read by me) and an ebook. It's on sale from:

These ISBNs might help you to find the book at other retailers: 978 137 022 007 6 (ePub edition), 978 198 621 011 9 (paperback). The other editions don't have ISBNs.

Free Samples

Click here to read the sample of the Kindle edition in your browser. If you enjoy it, you can buy the book from the same window.

Click here to read the first four chapters on my site.

Click here to listen to a sample of the audiobook (5 minutes from chapter 2, spoiler-free).

Bonus Material

Here is the bonus material for Simon and the Birthday Wish.

Review Copies

If you're interested in reviewing any of my books, please email me (webmaster (at) pembers (dot) net) with a link to where I can read some of your reviews (so I know you're serious about reviewing). Please state which book(s) you're interested in and which format you want. I can supply .mobi (for the Kindle), .epub (for most other ereaders) and PDF. I don't normally give out print copies, but I occasionally have spares lying around, so if you want one it's probably worth asking just in case.

Last update: 8/3/2025 00:01