Greatcroft by J M Pemberton

Greatcroft is a historical novel written by my late mother, which I edited and published after her death. All profits from the book will be donated to Alzheimer's Research UK.

About the Book

England, 1805. Sir Edward Warstone is ill-prepared to become the squire of Greatcroft after the death of his father. He has sisters to marry off, brothers to set up in professions, a big house to keep from falling down, and not enough money to make all of that happen.

Henry Warstone hopes to gain recognition for his work as a naturalist. George Warstone hopes to finish his studies at Oxford and become a partner in his cousin's law firm.

Eleanor Warstone hopes for a legacy large enough to let her marry her sweetheart. Charlotte Warstone hopes for a legacy large enough to allow her not to marry.

But none of those things will be possible if they don't find out who forged their father's will and declared Edward illegitimate.

Set against the backdrop of the English countryside, and with a cast of memorable characters, Greatcroft is a sweeping tale of love, duty, honour, and most of all, family.

Where to Buy

Greatcroft is available from Amazon, for your Kindle and in print (6" x 9" paperback, 398 pages) in USA, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany, France, Italy and Spain.

It's also available from other retailers as an ebook.

The paperback's ISBN is 979 883 126 8980.

Bonus Material

Video of me reading chapter 1 (8 minutes 9 seconds).

Review Copies

If you're interested in reviewing Greatcroft, please email me (webmaster (at) pembers (dot) net) with a link to where I can read some of your reviews (so I know you're serious about reviewing). Please state which book(s) you're interested in and which format you want. I can supply .mobi (for the Kindle), .epub (for most other ereaders) and PDF. I don't normally give out print copies, but I occasionally have spares lying around, so if you want one it's probably worth asking just in case.

Last update: 8/3/2025 00:07