Adramal Casting a Spell

Adramal casting a spell. 1988. Adramal is another wizard in The Price of Hope. (See Fiction page.) Unlike Merintor, she has actually made an appearance in the story. The original is A4 landscape (about 11.5" by 8"), in artists' inks. When I use inks, I usually paint with them, but for this picture, I used a dip pen. This is something like a fountain pen, but doesn't have a reservoir of ink in it: instead, you have to keep dipping it into the ink pot. It's very good for doing strong lines and varying the line width. It's also very good for producing splodges and splashes if you're not very careful in controlling it... There are quite a few of these on the original. The temptation to edit them out in Flamingo was just too great. If you're wondering why you can't see all of her left foot... poor planning when I was drawing it. As well as that, I'm not very good at feet, except from the side.
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