A Map of Kyturil, the school in Death & Magic


1. River Aglos

2. Outer wall

3. Outer gatehouse

4. Moat (currently dry)

5. Outer ward

6. Ruined tower

7. Middle wall

8. Junior apprentices' quarters

9. Servants' quarters (north)

10. Servants' quarters (south)

11. Middle gatehouse

12. Stables

13. Walled garden

14. Empty hall

15. Middle ward

16. Senior apprentices' quarters

17. Degoran's tower

18. Classrooms

19. Refectory

20. Shendar's tower

21. Inner gatehouse

22. Inner wall

23. Eskalyn's tower

24. Bathhouse

25. Lorgrim's and Komarth's tower

26. Library

27. Great Hall

28. Inner ward

29. Shop

30. Well


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Last update: 25/7/2020 17:09